Welcome to the Homepage of Composer and Music Theorist Adrian Kleinlosen.


08/28/2024: So - my new piece is finished! Not a string quartet, but one for two four-part choirs, two trombone quartets and ten string instruments. I spent the whole summer sitting at my desk composing - the result: 46 pages in A2 format in the finest music notation thanks to LilyPond! The piece is entitled “Stufen” and is a setting of Hermann Hesse's poem of the same name. The entire material - all pitches, rhythms and gestalten - goes back to a voice recording of Hesse's own poem, which he recorded in 1949 when he was in his early 70s. As soon as a premiere is scheduled, I will announce it here.

03/21/2024: I am looking forward to giving a talk in Vienna in April. Here is the announcement: https://www.mdw.ac.at/1656/?v=3028153&g=59931
Incidentally, I'm currently working on a string quartet (entitled "Stufen"): 15 systems per player (I wonder if that's enough?), 60 pages in DIN A1 format. Stay tuned! It should be ready by the end of the year.

06/26/2023: Do not confuse the one year of silence at this point with one year of inaction!

To the first: I have recently finished the score to my electroacoustic work "mv2:k". I have now decided to publish it via the Research Catalogue. It can be viewed via the following link: https://www.researchcatalogue.net/profile/show-exposition?exposition=2218531
Second: I wrote. Among other things, a review that will be published in the July issue of Musik & Ästhetik (note the menu item "Words" on this page). And a text on the composer Horacio Vaggione, to be published in October. (More details at a later date, also under "Words").
Third: A new piece for bass clarinet and live electronics is ready since the beginning of the year. It is dedicated to the Gewandhaus bass clarinettist Volker Hemken, who will give the premiere, about which I will provide information here in due course.
To the fourth: Work now begins on a large-scale orchestral work. Here I will work for the first time with the superimposition of different tempi. (LilyPond makes it possible!) But this might take some time... More about this at a later time.

06/21/2022: You can listen to my new electronic piece »mv2:k« on Soundcloud: 


It is recommended to listen with headphones. The material of the piece consists solely of voice recordings of the Biblical Creation Story, read by seven people in seven different languages: Nina Barzegar (Farsi), Bianca Bongers (Dutch), Sean Keenan (English), Adrian Kleinlosen (German), Asaf Ophir (Hebrew), Jacques Zafra (Spanish), Rita Zhang (Chinese).
The piece was composed with OpenMusic, Csound, EmissionControl2, ProTools, dearVR PRO, and various other plugins.

03/15/2022: My dissertation on the topic of musical morphology has been published by Wolke Verlag:  https://www.wolke-verlag.de/musikbuecher/adrian-kleinlosen-morphologie-in-der-musik/

A score follower video of my piece »Paroxysmen« can be seen and heard on Youtube:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJcB7bHPxzs  The performers are Martin Steuber, steel string guitar, Ermis Theodorakis, harpsichord, and Johannes Cotta, percussion instruments.

05/06/2021: Listen to three of my pieces within the next two weeks:

»Jazz: Fetzen« will be performed by James Aylward this Saturday, May 8th at 8 PM (CEST) on Youtube; »Paroxysmen« will be premiered by Martin Steuber (git), Ermis Theodorakis (harpsichord), and Johannes Cotta (perc) this Sunday, May 9th at 6 PM (CEST) on Youtube. Both pieces are performed as part of the online festival »forma Leipzig 10+1«. You can access the festival via this link:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1b534MFbx-k1sEXxfdWlZw , and you can find more information on  http://forma-leipzig.de/

»mv1:i-e« will pe performed on May 15th at 3 PM (CEST) as part of the Klingt Gut! KLG 2020/21 5th International Symposium on Sonic Art and Spatial Audio. Tickets are available online on https://www.klg-tenor-21.de

Besides, watch out for my essay »Komponieren mit Strukturen im 21. Jahrhundert« which will be published in Musik & Ästhetik in July.

09/15/2020: You can read a conversation between composer Karin Wetzel and me on the topic of »Polytemporality in Music« here: https://www.schloss-wiepersdorf.de/de/showcasereader/polytemporalit%C3%A4t-in-der-musik.html

The language is either German or English.

08/26/2020: Listen to my Podcast on structural composing »Strukturelles Komponieren«. The language of the podcast is German.

04/24/2020: Listen to an interview between the Re:Flux 14.5 Festival in Moncton, Canada and me on Radio Reflux between May 18th and 24th @ www.festivalreflux.com/radioreflux-2020